Mern Stack vs Mean Stack – Which is Better for your App Development?

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There’s always a debate regarding which stack is ideal for custom app development. Back in the day, web application development was restricted to backend technologies such as JavaScript, HTML, & CSS. Frontend technologies such as AngularJS, Node JS, React JS, & others have replaced backend technologies. Most web developers nowadays employ a stack to create a seamless website or application.

A stack is a collection of programming languages, tools, and, in certain cases, it is a software product.

A stack can also be separated into two types: technology stacks and application stacks. The entire stack is something that has been floating about for a while. So, what exactly is it? Let’s get started:

What is Mern Stack?

The MERN stack is a JavaScript stack designed to make the development process go more smoothly. MongoDB, React, Express, and Node.js are the four open-source components that makeup MERN. Furthermore, it allows developers to work on both the back-end and the front-end simultaneously.

Components of the MERN Stack

1.ReactJS: This is a library that aids in the development of single-page web apps’ user interface elements.

2.NodeJS: It’s a runtime environment that can run JavaScript.

3.ExpressJS: It is a framework that is built on top of NodeJS and is responsible for the website’s back-end functionality and structure.

4.MongoDB: MongoDB is a No-SQL database.

What exactly is a Mean Stack?

MEAN is a free & open-source JavaScript software stack that allows you to build cutting-edge online app development and web app development. The MEAN stack’s critical components facilitate JavaScript-based programs. For client-side and server-side execution contexts, Meanstack development applications can be written in a single language.

Main Components of the MEAN Stack

The below components are very helpful for every mean stack development company . All mean stack development projects are made from these powerful components.

1.AngularJS: Enables code execution in the user’s browser.

2.NodeJS: This is the runtime action that allows the back-end web application to run Javascript.

3.ExpressJS: This is a back-end application built on top of NodeJS.

4.MongoDB: This database is used to store data from back-end applications in JSON files.

Which is more popular, MEANStack or MERNStack?

The prevalence of MEAN Vs MERN stacks is inversely proportional to the demand for AngularJs Vs ReactJS driveways. For a long time, Angular has been a well-known development stack. React, on the other hand, has just surpassed Angular in popularity. However, the first position is still up for grabs, as it varies depending on market demand and project kind.

According to the 2018 HackerRank Developer Skills Report, Angular was the most popular web framework in 2018, with 31.4% of developers knowing it. However, 30% of programmers said they were familiar with Node.js and 19% with React, putting it in third place.

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Furthermore, “StackOverflow Developer Survey Results in 2020” confirms the conclusion that ReactJS is dominating the development stack popularity contest, implying that MERN is in the lead in terms of popularity.

It verifies that React is the most popular web framework, with 35.9% of developers preferring to work with it. Angular’s equivalent number is 25.1 percent, which puts it in third place.

As a result of the MERN Vs MEAN battle, the winner in terms of popularity is MERN. So, let’s have a look at the ultimate conclusion of the MEAN Stack vs MERN Stack battle.

MEAN vs MERN: A Comprehensive Comparison of MEAN and MERN

As we previously stated, the primary difference between the MEAN and MERN stacks is the use of AngularJS and ReactJS, respectively.

Let’s look at the advantages and disadvantages of MEAN and MERN stacks now.

1.Scalability and Security

Both the MEAN and MERN stacks provide top-notch security, so you can choose between the two. MERN, on the other hand, wins the MEAN Vs MERN race in terms of security because it is more scalable than MEAN.  

2.MVC Assistance

You’ll need a complete architecture if you’re going to build an enterprise-level program like LinkedIn. As a result, the MEAN stack should be preferred over the MERN stack. This option will allow you to support the Model-View-Controller architecture. However, if we are talking about organizing code in a straightforward manner, MEAN is the way to go. 

Read More :Why is MERN Stack Considered to be the Best for Start-Ups?

3.Advanced and Simple User Interface

MERN technology provides an advanced and easy user interface for your application. This stack quickly generates a frame and displays it on the screen, ensuring continuous user involvement.

4.You can create, read, update, & delete records 

From start to end, the MERN stack allows you to build & expand a CRUD application. React’s utilization simply handles quickly changing data while providing an appealing user experience. MERN is an excellent framework for creating single-page apps and mobile apps.

5.Third-Party Assistance

When working on enterprise-level apps, another important consideration is the use of third-party libraries. MEAN includes Angular, which includes built-in functionality for HTTP calls and integration with the back-end. ReactJS, on the other hand, contains supplemental libraries that provide the necessary functionality. 

MEAN handles third-party extensions in a plug-and-play fashion, whereas MERN necessitates additional setups.

6.Learning Curve 

Express.js, MongoDB, and Node.js are well-known, and their documentation is excellent. There is no discernible difference between MERN and MEAN in terms of a learning curve. Between Angular and React, however, you’re learning curve will be different.

Read More :What to Choose: Full-Stack vs MEAN Stack vs MERN Stack

Angular is a Typescript and template-based framework. With Angular, you may notice a steeper learning curve, however with React; there isn’t much of a learning curve.

As a result, no single framework can be considered all-encompassing. To achieve a better result & accomplish company objectives, you must study the features and functionalities.mernstack vs meanstack


In this MERN Vs MEAN neck to neck war, it is really difficult to tell which stack will win the war as both MERN and MEAN includes top-level features & functionalities. But, if you want to build a dynamic web app then you can choose MERN or MEAN as per your business needs. 

For more information on how we can help you leverage your technologies, feel free to reach out to us here.

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In order to make efficient use of MERNstack trends and MEANstack trends, you can hire Mernstack developers and hire Meanstack developers from the recognized app development company. This will ultimately help you get a better result and meet your business goal. 

Read More :MEAN Stack :Best Framework for Web App Development

For all your queries about mean stack or mern stack developmentMern Stack development services or Mean stack development services, or anything related to MERN Stack web Development Company who can provide you with the best app development services and understanding mean or mern stack development projects to help you leverage your business enterprise with the right technology. For further information, please reach us at


The demand of Meanstack development has increased due to its versatility of building a web & mobile application that is robust, fast, and maintainable. … Employers are constantly looking for engineers who possess a sound knowledge of JavaScript and MEANStack technologies development such as: MongoDB development, Express. Js development, Angular development.

MERN Stack is fast becoming popular, and it is a powerful technology to use. MERN Stack comprises of the technologies like: MongoDB: It is an open-source, document-based database. React: It is a frontend JavaScript library used to build user interfaces.

Mean allows the meanstack companies and developers to write code in only one language which is JavaScript for both the client and server-side which makes it a simple & fast language. The data flows precisely among the layers of JSON and does not require rewriting or reformatting because Mean uses a common JSON format of data everywhere.

Mean stack uses object-oriented organization instead of a relational model. In the MEAN stack, MongoDB stores the application’s data. Because both the application & the database use JavaScript, there’s no need to translate the object as it journeys from the application to the database and back.

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